Saturday, March 3, 2012

Shit Tooth Fairy


Sweet Tooth Fairy is getting too big. The quality is suffering. All of their flavors have gone downhill, and the prices are going up. Every month Shit Tooth Fairy sends out a newsletter letting everyone know that months specials. They advertised a unicorn cupcake, and I HAD to try it. I've been there TWICE looking for that damn unicorn cupcake, and both times the retards behind the counter looked at me like I was the devil when I asked for a unicorn cupcake. My mom loves Shit Tooth Fairy's shortbread cookie, and they only offer it in March. My mom has waited a year for these cookies to return. Tonight we went looking for the unicorn and the shortbread cookie, and we didn't find either. Shit Tooth Fairy is the queen of false advertising.
I went to the Draper location on Valentine's day looking for the chocolate truffle cupcake. Shit Tooth Fairy had EVERY SINGLE CUPCAKE but the one I was looking for! It's like they know I'm coming, so they hide all of the good stuff.
I did notice that they have three new flavors. They have a Dirt cupcake, a black & white, and a Samoa. The amazing One Sweet Slice has had these flavors forever. I guess Shit Tooth Fairy had to steal ideas from the best cupcake shop in the state.

I'm not one to use foul language on this blog, but FUCK Shit Tooth Fairy.

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